Object Detection Based on Clustering for Assistive Technology
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Lidar is a well-known sensor in autonomous vehicles because of its capability in object detection. However, utilise the sensor in assistive technology for blind and impaired vision person are rare to be found. In this study, an assistive technology (AT) was made utilising Lidar sensor and Clustering algorithm. K-means algorithm and Kalman filter were used to improve the AT performance. Moreover, the AT is equipped with voice mode to inform the user when the closest object was detected. Furthermore, the application of a monitoring system was built based on the Internet of things (IoT). The application installed in android smartphones allows the installer to monitor the AT user and recognise the user's objects remotely. The results show that the AT could accurately detect an object and send the information to the monitoring application system via internet. The AT system is potentially used to help a blind person to mobile safely.
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