Development and Implementation of Sustainable Integrated Livestock Farming Model in Bantarwuni Village, Kembaran District, Banyumas Regency
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Several conditions underlie the necessary effort to prevent land degradation in Bantarwuni village, which will lead to the degradation of agricultural land if it continues. On the other hand, general agricultural production is also plagued by a decrease in the productive workforce in rural areas, a lack of irrigation water, high production inputs, environmental pollution, and unhealthy production. Some of the issues necessitate technological solutions. The 'Sumber Sari' Livestock Farmer Group in Bantarwuni Village, Kembaran District, which received cattle assistance from the Banyumas Council, requires the transfer of knowledge and technology pertaining to the cattle rearing system, organic fertiliser management, and the development of facilities and infrastructure in order to further optimise their own cattle. By involving Karang Taruna in the development and implementation of sustainable integrated agriculture in Bantarwuni Village, an effort is also made to combat the decline in rural workforce productivity. On the basis of this analysis, partner villages in Bantarwuni Village, Kembaran District, have been developed through the creation and implementation of a model for sustainable integrated livestock farming. The activities conducted in the form of applied studies with the theme of producing cattle feed and cow manure are expected to improve the condition of cattle, as well as the development of a model for sustainable integrated livestock farming through the processing of cow manure into compost. Model of sustainable integrated livestock farming, as opposed to merely integrating crop cultivation and animal husbandry. The promoted integrated concept must also emphasise the aspect of sustainability, which necessitates ecosystem sustainability in the implementation of this model. Several sustainable integrated livestock farming models also adapt to regional ecological conditions (local knowledge) and are influenced by regional social, economic, and cultural factors.
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