Egg Hatching Training and Black Soldier Fly Producing Compost as Alternative Feed for Village Chicken Livestock

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Pujiati Utami
Oetami Dwi Hajoeningtijas
Bambang Nugroho
Regowo Bayu Pamungkas
Gisella Arnis Grafiyana
Sulistyani Budiningsih
Roudhoh Khalimatus Zuhro


Waste management is still an important problem. The Final Disposal Site is no longer sufficient to accommodate the waste produced by the community. The waste itself is processed, both organic and inorganic waste. Inorganic waste can be reprocessed into reusable goods. In contrast, organic waste such as household food waste can be processed into fertiliser and animal feed which can be an industrial business opportunity and save animal feed costs. To answer the problems of waste management, animal feed nutrition, and the difficulty of finding work during a pandemic, the servant formulated the solution by designing sains for society (Sci. Soc.). The method used in sains for society uses socialisation, counselling, and training approach. The time required to do Sci. Soc. For eight months. The result of this service is an increase in partners' knowledge and skills after participating in this Sci. Soc. Besides that, the maggot produced can be used as an alternative to free-range chicken feed owned by the participants, and maggot compost can be used in organic plant cultivation for its members.

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