Composting of Domestic Organic Waste as An Effort To Realize A Healthy and Clean Village

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Triastuti Sulistyaningsih
Mohammad Alauhdin
Sri Mursiti
Yuan Maylia Rosanti
Windi Erlina
Saidatul Malihah
Dwi Atika Sari


The increasing population will significantly affect the production of waste from households. This has an impact on increasing household waste. Based on surveys in the village and interviews with the Head of the Pakintelan Village, Semarang, it was known that waste management in the village has not been carried out optimally. Although the city government has mandated a waste bank in every neighborhood association (Rukun Tetangga), not all neighborhoods have waste banks. In addition, waste managed by waste banks was limited to inorganic waste such as bottles, paper, cardboard, and metal. Residents have not managed organic waste, which often causes odor and aesthetic problems. Thus, the residents of Pakintelan Village need to gain the knowledge and skills to manage their domestic organic waste. Therefore, a community service activity was designed to help the village to manage domestic waste properly through the production of compost. The activity was conducted in stages, i.e., educating, training, and mentoring, then monitoring & evaluation. The results obtained from the activities were increasing the knowledge and skills of the Pakintelan residents in managing their household waste into compost. Therefore, a clean and healthy village can be realized.

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