Preventing and Controlling Spread of Antibiotic Resistance by Forming a Cadre of Family Welfare Empowerment in Kalisegoro Village, Semarang City

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Willy Tirza Eden
Annisa Aulia Savitri
Neli Syahida Ni’ma
Ranita Rahmaniar


Antibiotics are essential drugs used to treat bacterial infections. The inappropriate use of antibiotics is one of the leading cause for rising of antibiotic resistance globally. Lack of knowledge and awareness of public regarding this situation are accounted for misuse and overuse of antibiotics. Hence, this community service aims to form Antibiotic Resistance Control Cadres (Kapra) in Kalisegoro village and educate local residents on the appropriate use of antibiotics. Hopefully, Kapra will become the front guard in controlling antibiotic resistance in Kalisegoro. The knowledge of participants were measured after counseling was carried out. It is a questionnaire-based cross-sectional study. Ninety-six participants were involved and all of them were willing to fill out the questionnaire. The results of the questionnaire were analyzed using the 25th version of IBM® SPSS® Statistics software using the Spearman Correlation method to see the output of community service, which later classified based on age, income, and level of education. The results of data analysis showed that these three factors significantly influenced the output of community service (p-value <0.05), with a weak correlation for the age category, and a moderate correlation for the education level and income level categories.

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