Community Empowerment in Processing Household Organic Waste Through Eco Enzymes
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Jatirejo Village, located in Gunungpati District, Semarang City, Central Java, Indonesia, has a population that increases yearly. Based on data from the Central Statistics Agency of Semarang City, the total population of Jatirejo Village in 2020 amounted to 2,191. In 2021 there were 2,260 inhabitants with an area of 2.34 km2. The population density is 965 inhabitants per km2. The increase in population impacts increasing waste or waste generated in each household. Based on the results of surveys in the field and interviews with the Jatirejo community, it is known that the waste problem in the village is the main problem. Although the city government has mandated a waste bank in every Rukun Tetangga (RT), not all neighbourhoods have waste banks. In addition, waste managed by existing waste banks is limited to inorganic waste such as bottles, paper, cardboard, and metal (iron). Residents have not managed organic waste, which often causes odour and aesthetic problems. Most people in Jatirejo Village (partners) do not have the knowledge and skills to manage their domestic organic waste properly. For residents who still have vacant land, waste that is not suitable for sale is disposed of in a garbage reservoir made by themselves. In contrast, residents who do not own land depend heavily on garbage hauliers. Based on this, the service team provides solutions to problems in partners (the Jatirejo Village community) related to domestic waste with education about waste (problems and management) and the transfer technology through eco enzyme manufacturing training. This activity increased the knowledge and skills of the Jatirejo community in managing their household waste, particularly organic waste, into value-added products, namely eco enzymes, thereby increasing the productivity of waste-based communities and contributing to the realization of clean and healthy villages.
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